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by: Climate Rangers


In a rapidly changing world, the urgency to address global warming has never been more important. As we witness the changes and impacts of environmental degradation, from extreme weather events to rising sea levels, the need for action and innovative solutions becomes increasingly clear. At the heart of this global challenge lies our mission: to ensure a sustainable future for everybody by reducing the effects of climate change through solutions, advocacy, and education. One of our key solutions is to promote awareness and action through our Facebook and website platforms. By using these digital channels, we aim to reach a broader audience, share valuable insights, about the reality in global warming .Guided by this mission, our vision paints a picture of a harmonious future where people live in balance with the environment. Join us on this transformative journey as we strive to save humanity and prevent global warming as much


To ensure a sustainable future for everybody by fighting to stop the effects of global warming via creative solutions, advocacy, and education.


A future where people live in harmony with the environment, where people understand, and prevent global warming by responsible resource management and group action.


The purpose of our infographics is to advocate different end users about climate change, especially global warming. This aims to raise awareness about the risks of global warming and to make people be aware of the severity of the issue and the impact it has on our planet. This will also serve as an eye opener to implement policies that help reduce greenhouse gas emission and promote sustainable practices. Hence, this advocacy focuses on protecting health by encouraging actions that reduce health risks associated with global warming.


Global warming refers to the phenomenon of rising average air temperatures near the Earth's surface observed over the last one to two centuries.
Earth on Fire


To ensure the success of our campaign, we took advantage of different strategies to reach a wider audience. We shared our campaign infographic on the YES-O BCNSHS Facebook page and used the WIX site to promote our campaign and showcase this concept paper. By utilizing these digital platforms, we aimed to generate interest, raise awareness, and gain support for our cause.


If you have any inquiries regarding our campaign, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at:


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